The Grip of Artificial Chaos
About me

I'm a wife, a mother, a knitter, a gamer, a nerd. Oh, I'm also a family doctor*. I don't eat enough greens. I'm trying to exercise more with my husband on our side by side treadmill desks while we play video games and navigate the internet.
I believe in science, data and peer review. I also believe in wonder, miracles, and nature. These are not mutually exclusive. I believe healthy souls and communities make healthy people.
I'm a recovering Republican, but hardly would I consider myself a Democrat. I believe fiercely in the potential of political discourse and involvement to change lives, for better or for worse.
I have had a pretty amazing life, and am trying to live up to it with my family now. I suspect like every other mother, I look at the Supermoms on Pinterest and secretly hate everyone with better ideas and more time than I have. Every now and then I think I could knit for a living, but then I come to my senses. That's usually after I spend entirely too much money on yarn.
Ultimately, like everything else, I am made of stars, and that's pretty cool.
*Medical opinions expressed on this site are usually my opinion. Most of my opinions are based on science and study. Scientific knowledge changes and evolves, so sometimes my opions do, too.
Most importantly? Don't confuse reading a blog with seeing a doctor. Not even blogs written by doctors. Don't get your healthcare from blogs and websites, find a doctor, create a relationship and get the personalized care you deserve.